Feudalism : Causes,Structure , Features
Feudalism Plays a major Role in the history of World as well as in the history of India .. In this Article , You can come to know what this Feudalism is ,what are it's causes ...? Today For us , The medium of transactions is Money in many forms like Internet Economy, Crypto Economy, Transferable Economy.... Let's move to some centuries back.... It's Europe.. That was the time When Roman empire is on its way to Vanish it's reign...! It has most greatest emperors of all time Augusthus Trajan Hadrian Marcus Aurelius and many.... But around 390 AD , it's warriors are not so powerful , politically,physically and Diplomatically...! Because of its weak emperors and constant attack of Barbarians ,Roman Empire had lost its reign.. Then what was the problem...? During Roman's Rule , the power is Centralised at the King.. That is the biggest stre...